Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Roast Beef Bruschetta

I love bruschettas because it’s a great way to treat your unexpected guests. If you have some slices of good bread (preferably ciabatta), a clove of garlic and a good splash of extra-virgin olive oil, think you and your reputation is saved. In most of the cases, I choose tomatoes and basil for the topping but sometimes it simply depends on what is left in my fridge. This time I found some leftovers of the beef stew prepared the day before and some fresh leafs of arugula. After being accompanied by balsamic vinegar, all these ingredients turned out into a superb appetizer. 

I won’t give you specific quantities how to prepare this dish. Just remember the steps, the main ingredients and feel free to improvise. It will take less than 10 minutes!

So, take your loaf of the bread and slice it 1cm thick. Toast on a hot pan until you get that golden color. Once it is done, rub the slices with the garlic clove to give the flavor, also drizzle over some olive oil and season with a little pinch of salt. For the topping, crush the meat, onions (optional) and spread on your bread. Then top your bruschettas with arugula and finish everything with a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil, some splashes of balsamic vinegar, freshly ground pepper and some salt.

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